Speaker:                      Did you ever feel like you had to adjust your retirement plans, either when you first started investing in your 457 account, with your other financial issues and even, did you ever feel like, I can’t retire, I’ve got to push it off 10 years, whatever?

Mr. McCartney:          Well, I’ve never really had the good sound, solid investment advice in regards to my future.  I’ve kind of tried to do things on my own, thinking I could do it.  Again, after making a lot of mistakes, now, thanks to Bill, I’m on a good path.  I can see the future.  I can see that my retirement now is not a worry or a concern as it has been.  I just, I like to manage my money.  I like to understand what’s going on with it, and with Bill, it’s just, he provides that information, he provides what’s needed to do well.

Speaker:                      Perfect.  Yeah, we’ve kind of touched on this before, but if we can kind of just get it on its own little section here, but how did you first hear about Bill Spetrino and Dividend Machine?

Mr. McCartney:          I started, again, just researching on the Internet, I came across numerous sites, again, ones that I’ve gone through that I was not happy with.  I came across The Dividend Machine.  I was reading about it.  I don’t like to jump into anything initially without, you know, some knowledge, so I took the time to do some further research and everything there was solid.  Everything he had to say, he could back up everything, the proof was there.  So, I was very happy with it, and I’m very happy I made those decisions, and it’s making a huge impact on myself and my family.

Speaker:                      Perfect.  And we’ve also touched on this one, what was it like when you discovered The Dividend Machine?  We’ve kind of touched on, it was, Bill’s outlook and your outlook on value investing and what about the kind of, blends together, but if you can just kind of say when I first discovered it, this is kind of what it felt like.

Mr. McCartney:          Okay.  When I first discovered it, it was a much more comfortable feeling in regards to a way of investing, just because again, after having made so many mistakes, it is solid advice.  It’s something I recommend to my friends.  I’ve told numerous people about The Dividend Machine.  I have friends that have joined because of it.  It’s a comfort, it’s a peace.  I haven’t found anything better out there.

Speaker:                      Perfect.  And I like it because you’re actually answering other questions, so, we’re moving through it faster with the other questions.

Mr. McCartney:          Okay.

Speaker:                      And what impact, beyond financial, has this given you?  Like, do you, you talked before that you don’t worry about the market every day, but let’s kind of say, you know, beyond the financial outlook, it’s the security, the sleeping well at night, the I don’t have to deal with all that anymore.

Mr. McCartney:          Okay.  Well, it is great knowing, again, you don’t have to get on and look at your stocks every day.  This is a long-term investment.  I’m secure in feeling that I can really provide for my family because of this.  I can provide for my wife, my child.  I believe my child will just be able to really continue on with this and make great investment decisions because of Bill.

Speaker:                      Perfect and if you can, and this may not really be applicable, and if it’s not we can go on to the next one, but compare your investing returns you were getting before reading The Dividend Machine to returns since you started following Bill.

Mr. McCartney:          Okay.

Speaker:                      Is there a fair comparison there or is it just kind of …

Mr. McCartney:          Yeah, I can make a comparison there.

Speaker:                      Let’s wait for that one plane.

Mr. McCartney:          Sure.  Now, do you want me to be, invest, comparing it to other like stocks you’re saying, or just investments?

Speaker:                      Investments, but can talk about stocks.  I think you said with your retirement company first started investing, you know, it wasn’t if it was, you know, 6% a year or whatever it was and then just say, you know, now with Bill, I’m getting X amount …

Mr. McCartney:          Okay.  In regards to my past performances with other investments, I was averaging, I would say, usually between 2 and 4%, on a good year and then there were other years that there was essentially break-evens.  Again, that’s why I wasn’t comfortable with my 457, where it was going.  I really didn’t have the understanding to do well in that.  I essentially went in, I think as most people do, just expecting better returns, and the market, some years it’s good, some years it’s bad.  In comparison to what I’ve done with Bill and The Dividend Machine, I’ve been averaging anywhere from 20 to 30% on stocks a year, and that’s including some stocks that he’s recommended for sales as well.  So, that’s money that’s been made.

Speaker:                      Perfect.  And, what are some of the biggest gains you’ve made, in terms of individual stocks since you’ve joined The Dividend Machine?

Mr. McCartney:          Okay.  Well, let me ask you this question.

Speaker:                      Sure.

Mr. McCartney:          Okay.  I don’t know if you know the stock, okay, Abbott Labs broke off to ABBV

Speaker:                      ABBVIE.

Mr. McCartney:          How do you …

Speaker:                      ABBVIE, yep.

Mr. McCartney:          ABBVIE, okay, all right.  Well, I would say some of my biggest gainers.  I’m in with multiple stocks.  I’m in with Altaro, Johnson & Johnson, Apple, Halliburton, Microsoft, all of Bill’s recommendations since I’ve been, or most, I should say, most of his recommendations, since I’ve been a part, in late 2011, I am up in every stock I’ve been with him on, and most of my stocks are up any, most of my …

Speaker:                      Can you start over?

Mr. McCartney:          Okay.

Speaker:                      Yeah.

Mr. McCartney:          Yeah.  I’m up on all my stocks with Bill.  Most stocks are anywhere from 25, 30% on up from there.  I would say as of right now my biggest gainer is, oh shit I can’t remember, ABBVIE?

Speaker:                      ABBVIE, yeah.

Mr. McCartney:          Okay.  I would say my biggest gainer as of today’s date is ABBVIE.  I’m up 75% on that stock.

Speaker:                      Perfect and, are you taking the dividend checks and reinvesting them or are they going direct reinvestments in your account or what are, when the dividends are paid what are you doing with that?

Mr. McCartney:          Well, I have the ability to just let the dividends reinvest.  In return, it’s going to, create more income, more of a snowball effect, and again, okay what am I trying to say here?  Let me start over, I guess.

Speaker:                      Sure.

Mr. McCartney:          Okay.  Yes, with The Dividend Machine, what I do is I reinvest my dividends and that allows more investment with the stock and more growth.

Speaker:                      Perfect and, what’s it like on the day that you go into your account and you see a dividend just got paid?

Mr. McCartney:          It’s nice.  It’s nice to see.  It’s more stock, more purchases, and more outcome for a good future.

Speaker:                      Perfect and, if we can get that one more time, the same exact answer.  Just what’s it like when you go into your account and you see a dividend just got paid.

Mr. McCartney:          Okay.  It’s great going into my account and seeing when dividends get paid.  It’s like checks in the mail, only they’re just going back in, I’m buying more stock, and reinvesting.  There’s just a comfort in that.

Speaker:                      Perfect and, I don’t, it says what are you doing with the extra money you’re making The Dividend Machine.  I don’t know if you’re using it to, build your fantastic backyard or what, you know, your tropical paradise here or if it is all just going right back into purchasing more shares.

Mr. McCartney:          I, well, it’s all going in that, but if you want I can elaborate on what maybe my futures plans are.

Speaker:                      Absolutely.

Mr. McCartney:          Okay.  Currently, I have all my dividends going back in, which again, I’m just trying to let them reinvest, which they’ve been doing quite well.  I do have a future plan where when it is time, that I have more family time, I’ll have extra income there to be able to travel and such throughout the country with my family.

Speaker:                      Perfect and, describe how The Dividend Machine has made you a more confident investor.

Mr. McCartney:          Well, The Dividend Machine has made me much more confident.  I can feel comfortable in recommending it to my friends.  I can feel comfortable knowing that all they have to do is follow his letters and they’re going to do well.  There, it’s not, there’s not, let me try to start over here.  I can feel comfortable with The Dividend Machine and recommending it to my friends.  My friends that have taken part in it are very satisfied.  To me, this is a no brainer.

Speaker:                      Perfect.  These are the fun ones where we, I kind of give you the question and what I’d like you to do is answer by kind of repeating how the question starts so, just an example, the cost of Dividend Machine works out to be about $0.26 a day.  What are your thoughts on that?  Please start by saying, for the price of, a cup of coffee, or for the price of $0.26 a day, that’s an unbelievable bargain, it’s an unbelievable steal.  So, if you can start with for the, you know, for $0.26 a day for The Dividend Machine …

Mr. McCartney:          Okay.  The Dividend Machine works out to about $0.26 a day.  I, well, okay, let me start over.

Speaker:                      Yeah.  We got a plane so it gives you some time to think about it.

Mr. McCartney:          Okay.

Speaker:                      So, if you want to kind of phrase it, you know, The Dividend Machine works out to be $0.26 a day, that to me is an unbelievable bargain, you know, I feel like I’m taking advantage of Bill almost.

Mr. McCartney:          Okay, that’s a good one.

Speaker:                      You know, something along those lines.

Mr. McCartney:          Yeah.

Speaker:                      However, in your mind, you know, 26, well it is only $0.26 a day and, what your thoughts are on that.

Mr. McCartney:          Okay.

Speaker:                      Whenever you’re ready.

Mr. McCartney:          The price The Dividend Machine, $0.26 a day.  It’s like come on, once again, how can you find solid advice like this for pennies?  It’s an incredible value.

Speaker:                      Perfect.  Next one, without The Dividend Machine, so if you can kind of think about, you know, if you didn’t have The Dividend Machine, I’d probably still be chasing __________ stocks or throwing my money at things I wasn’t comfortable with so, you thought, if, you know, if I didn’t have The Dividend Machine and what your thoughts would be and you can phrase that however you want, but kind of thought of if I didn’t have this.

Mr. McCartney:          Okay.  Without The Dividend Machine, I’d feel like I’d have a big question mark still in my investing plans.  I don’t know where I’d be.  I’ve made a lot of mistakes.  I’ve tried to learn from them, but without The Dividend Machine, I wouldn’t have this level of peace and comfort knowing where my future’s going.

Speaker:                      We all shook our heads at that.

Speaker:                      And, cut.  We’re all like, yeah that was a good one.

Mr. McCartney:          Oh, really.

Speaker:                      Yeah.

Mr. McCartney:          Really, oh.  Hey, I got something.

Speaker:                      Yeah.

Mr. McCartney:          Cool.

Speaker:                      You know, light went out, there wasn’t a plane.

Mr. McCartney:          Oh, good.

Speaker:                      All we needed to gather was a magic moment.

Mr. McCartney:          All right excellent; finally at the end.

Speaker:                      But, that’s, that’s what it is.  It’s that 43rd minute when you say the one thing that works.

Mr. McCartney:          That’s funny; you guys all looked at each other.

Speaker:                      Now the opposite of that …

Mr. McCartney:          Okay.

Speaker:                      Now, thanks to The Dividend Machine I have the comfort, the peace, the knowing that, you know, your daughter’s going to have something that you can pass on to her.  So, now with The Dividend Machine you’ve got …

Mr. McCartney:          Okay.  Thanks to The Dividend Machine, I’m actually excited about investing.  I’m excited about his newsletters coming out.  I look forward to them monthly, weekly, the new podcast he’s done.  It’s all good solid, sound advice.  I’m excited about what the future’s bringing, what it’s done for me already, and what it’s going to do for me and my family.

Speaker:                      Perfect and, what do you like most about The Dividend Machine?

Mr. McCartney:          I like most about the money, yeah, I’m making money.  But, I also really, like I said, I really enjoy his letters, I enjoy being able to talk to my friends about it, and I feel like I can play a part in helping other people, too, as far as turning them on to what Bill’s doing for people.  I mean, he’s really making a difference.

Speaker:                      Perfect.

Speaker                       Hey, can you say that again.  Just the part where you say, without the huh, kind of the, I really like, I mean with that same kind of expression where you were like yeah, you know, I really like making money.  I mean, just without the huh, like you were almost, I think you were honest with that, you just, you almost didn’t want to say it.

Mr. McCartney:          Okay.  I gotcha.  Yeah, I wasn’t sure.

Speaker:                      You’re allowed to smile and say I like making money.

Mr. McCartney:          Okay.

Speaker:                      You’re completely allowed to do that.

Speaker:                      So, once again, I think the question was what do you like most about The Dividend Machine?

Mr. McCartney:          So, what do I like most about The Dividend Machine?  Well, I like …

Speaker:                      I’m going to stop you again just a second (inaudible) audio.

Mr. McCartney:          Okay.  Gotcha.

Speaker:                      Because you'll do it so perfect and then …

Mr. McCartney:          Okay.

Speaker:                      Gee, you never know how many planes are in your area.

Speaker:                      Don’t feel like you can’t smile and say I like making profits.

Mr. McCartney:          Okay, I got you.

Speaker:                      That’s what we’re here for.

Speaker:                      Right.  I get you.

Speaker:                      What I like the most about The Dividend Machine is making money.  That sounds good.

Mr. McCartney:          Yeah.

Speaker:                      With that enthusiasm, it’s almost like, you know, like you didn’t want to, it was, yeah.

Mr. McCartney:          Yeah, okay.

Speaker:                      Yeah, don’t be embarrassed to smile.

Mr. McCartney:          Okay.

Speaker:                      All right.  We’re clear.

Mr. McCartney:          Okay.

Speaker:                      So what do you like most about The Dividend Machine?

Mr. McCartney:          What do I like most about The Dividend Machine - making money.  Yeah, it’s been good.  I’ve been making money and it’s different, you know?  It’s exciting.  It’s great information for pennies a day.  I mean, you can’t beat it.

Speaker:                      Perfect and a lot of people that will watch this will probably think that they’re too old to benefit from it.  You know, they’re stuck in the, I’ve got to make all my money in the next five years, and if I don’t do that, I’m, so, if someone’s watching it and thinking I’m too old for this, I don’t have the time, you know, time’s not on my side, I can’t watch a slow appreciation, I’ve got to get the quick hits, the swing for the fences, what would you say to them?

Mr. McCartney:          Well I’d say, look at the walls, I would say to the people looking, okay, let me back up a minute here.

Speaker:                      To people who think they’re too old for this.

Mr. McCartney:          Okay.  For anybody who thinks they’re too old for this, I’m in my mid-50s now and, again, I’m just so excited about this, but I look at it like look at the whales of Wall Street.  I mean, look at the older, no not that…

Speaker:                      Say that again, wolves of Wall Street.  I think it was, right?

Mr. McCartney:          Well, I was thinking of the whales.

Speaker:                      Oh, were you?

Mr. McCartney:          Like Warren Buffett and those folks.  I mean, Carl Icahn, they’re all, they’re not, I don’t want to say they’re old, so I’m trying, I’ll just say, you know.  I’ll say it like that.

Speaker:                      Well if can just, you know, all the successful investors on Wall Street use the same methodology or use the same …

Mr. McCartney:          Okay, that’s good.

Speaker:                      So what would you say to people who think they’re too old to benefit from The Dividend Machine?

Mr. McCartney:          Oh, I don’t think you can ever be too old.  There’s always a time to start and as far as I’m concerned, that’s today.  I know I have a future here.  Look at the successful investors on Wall Street.  I mean, this is a solid way of creating an income that will last, and you can pass, it can be something to pass on to your families.  I don’t think it’s ever an age where it’s too old to invest.

Speaker:                      Perfect.  And a lot of people think they probably don’t have enough money to start investing.  You know, they think they probably need to have tens of thousands of dollars to take advantage of this.  What would you say to people with a little bit of money that are thinking that they need much more.

Mr. McCartney:          Well, this, I like to think of this as a snowball and a snowball can start off small and rolling down a hill, what happens to the snowball?  Well, that’s what happens with your dividends.  As they reinvest, your money grows.  You have to put your money somewhere, you know.  If you’re going to save it this is just a solid place to invest.  Whether you have a small amount or a large amount, your percentage gains are the same.

Speaker:                      Perfect and please finish the following statement "the one thing I want people to know about The Dividend Machine" and reply by saying the one thing I want people to know about The Dividend Machine and whatever your thoughts are on that.  So, start with the one thing I want people to know about The Dividend Machine.

Mr. McCartney:          Okay, I’m trying to think of something that’s, so I’m not so repetitive.  Well, let’s see.

Speaker:                      How did you sell this to your wife?  How did you sell it to your wife?  Like, you know, obviously …

Mr. McCartney:          Yeah.  Let’s …

Speaker:                      It’s easy for me, he’s a researcher, so I trust what he has to say.

Mr. McCartney:          Yeah.

Speaker:                      That’s fine.

Mr. McCartney:          Okay.  All right, so the question again?

Speaker:                      The one thing I want people to know about The Dividend Machine, and even if it’s, it’s a great way to make money.

Mr. McCartney:          Okay.

Speaker:                      It can be as simple as that.  It doesn’t need to be a very …

Mr. McCartney:          What I want people to know, okay, let me start over here.  What I want people to know about The Dividend Machine is again, this can change your life.  This can make you sleep at night; comfort in knowing that your money is secure and knowing it has a great outlook, knowing the future is bright.  There’s peace of mind in that that is very difficult to find in the investment world.

Speaker:                      Perfect.  The final one, and then we can just go back and just kind of talk about anything you want to throw in there is if you can just finish by saying "my name is and I’m a Dividend Machine subscriber".

Mr. McCartney:          Okay.  My name is Gary McCartney, and I’m happy to say I’m a Dividend Machine investor, subscriber.  Should I say that over?

Speaker:                      Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah …

Mr. McCartney:          Okay, let me try that one again.

Speaker:                      Yeah, because they’re going to get different, they’ll have you pan and look at one of the cameras.

Mr. McCartney:          Okay.

Speaker:                      So, just my name is Gary McCartney, I’m a Dividend Machine subscriber.

Mr. McCartney:          Okay.  Okay.  Just keep looking at you? 

Speaker:                      Of course, the last question always gets them.

Mr. McCartney:          I know.  My name is Gary McCartney and I’m a Dividend Machine subscriber.

Speaker:                      One more time.

Speaker:                      Once more.

Mr. McCartney:          My name is Gary McCartney, let me start over here.  My name is, what the heck’s going on?  Give me a second.

Speaker:                      No problem.

Mr. McCartney:          Okay.  My name is Gary McCartney and I’m a Dividend Machine subscriber.

Speaker:                      Okay.  Perfect.

Speaker:                      All right and now, just look into this camera, right into the camera.  Turn, look at Christian.

Mr. McCartney:          Okay.

Speaker:                      And then turn right into the camera and say the same thing.

Speaker:                      Slowly look at that.

Mr. McCartney:          Okay.  Start, start with you?

Speaker:                      Yeah, as you start talking, right in the lens.

Mr. McCartney:          Okay, okay.  My name is Gary McCartney and I’m a Dividend Machine subscriber.

Speaker:                      Now, stay there and just look, same question right into that lens without the turning.

Mr. McCartney:          Okay.  My name is Gary McCartney and I’m a Dividend Machine subscriber.

Speaker:                      Awesome.

Speaker:                      Perfect.  I don’t know if there’s anything …

Mr. McCartney:          You think this is going to work?

Speaker:                      I just wanted that first question, just why, I think at the very beginning, you said, you probably answered a bunch of other times, it’s the Bill Spetrino question, I guess, like when you first got invested, how did you find him?  That question.

Speaker:                      Yep, so how did you first hear about Bill Spetrino and The Dividend Machine?

Speaker:                      Hang on and wait for this plane to go by.

Speaker:                      Yeah, wait for the plane and after this, if there’s anything you want to add, any anecdotes or anything you want to talk about, we'll come back.  So, how’d you first hear about Bill Spetrino and The Dividend Machine?

Mr. McCartney:          Excuse me a second.

Speaker:                      No problem.

Mr. McCartney:          Okay, how did I

Speaker:                      How did you first hear about Bill Spetrino and The Dividend Machine?

Mr. McCartney:          Okay, the way I first heard about Bill Spetrino, again, was just researching on my own.  I really was, again, was looking for a place where I could put some ...  let me start over here.  I’m sorry.  Okay.  The way I found Bill Spetrino was on the Internet.  I just was online, again, researching, trying to find ways to invest my money solidly and once I came across his site, I was very intrigued.  It made a lot of sense.  I researched it further and found a lot of great reviews on him and in doing so I ended up becoming a subscriber and have been very happy ever since.

Speaker:                      Perfect and finish the following statement, "if there’s one thing I would like to tell Bill, it would be" and if you can start by saying, if there’s one thing I would like to tell Bill, it would be.

Mr. McCartney:          Okay.  If there’s something, if, okay, let me start over.  If there’s one thing I would like to tell Bill, I would just like to say thank you.  Again, it’s just it’s made an impact in my life.  It’s made a difference financially which is, it’s, it’s made a difference, it’s, okay.  If there’s one thing I would like to tell Bill, I would just like to say a big thank you.  Because of you Bill, you have done much in my life.  You have made me, what am I trying to say here?  I’m sorry.

Speaker:                      No, that’s fine.

Mr. McCartney:          Let me get my mind wrapped around that one a minute.  I feel like I’m just speaking without …

Speaker:                      Would you say it gave you more financial freedom?

Mr. McCartney:          Yes.  That’s a good one.

Speaker:                      Say that and I’d like to thank, you know, and then, just because you’ve given me and my family more financial freedom.

Mr. McCartney:          That’s good.  Okay.  Bill, I would like to say thank you.  Because of you, you’ve given me financial freedom for myself and my family.  That’s something I’ve been looking for and I can thank you for it.

Speaker:                      Perfect.  They found you guys?  Yep, just say it one more time to him.

Mr. McCartney:          Okay.

Speaker:                      If there’s one thing I’d like to tell, I’d like to say to Bill, yeah.

Speaker:                      And then answer, if there’s one thing I’d like to tell Bill Spetrino and The Dividend Machine …

Mr. McCartney:          Okay.  Okay.

Speaker:                      Did you say that?  Would you say that question?  And The Dividend Machine, or would you say if there’s one thing I’d like to tell Bill Spetrino.

Speaker:                      Yeah, it’s just that …

Speaker:                      Somehow, can you put The Dividend Machine in there somehow?  Is that you’ve given me The Dividend Machine, yeah.

Speaker:                      Yeah, I guess you could phrase it like, if there’s one thing I’d like to tell Bill about The Dividend Machine …

Speaker:                      Yes.

Speaker:                      … or something along, yeah, if there were one thing I could tell Bill about The Dividend Machine, is a big thank you, you’ve given me, yeah …

Mr. McCartney:          If there’s one thing I would like to tell Bill about The Dividend Machine, that would be, let me start over here.  Okay.  The one thing I would like to tell Bill about The Dividend Machine is it’s made, it’s given me financial freedom that I’ve never had before.  So, this is just a big thank you to you.  Thank you, Bill.

Speaker:                      Perfect.

Speaker:                      Awesome.  That was good.

Mr. McCartney:          Okay.

Speaker:                      I’m out of questions.  So unless there’s, is there anything …

Speaker:                      And we’re rolling, whenever you’re ready.

Speaker:                      Just go back and talk about how you were doing research on the internet and came across Bill, read what you liked, and kind of just go from there.

Mr. McCartney:          Sure.  Again, just, you know, searching, trying to find something that I liked, and comparing to other sites, I mean, there’s a lot of information out there, but Bill talks about how he’s, he likes the idea of the Warren Buffett style of investing, and that’s clearly somebody you can’t argue with, you know?  And just, I’ve learned a lot.  I’ve actually gone as far as investing my daughter, I have a 13-year-old daughter who I was able to get an account for her last year, just a little over a year’s time, I mean I’m already up 30% in her account alone.  I really feel like it’s great wisdom I can pass on to her.  Good investment advice.  So it’s done a lot for not just me, but of course my family, as well.  I see it as a road that’s really going to take me places and I’m excited about it.

Speaker:                      If you can, what does it mean to you to be able to provide that for your daughter?

Mr. McCartney:          Well, as a father, I really want the best for her.  And that means in every area of life.  I try to be a good husband, a good father, I want her to learn from my mistakes, and I’ve made plenty especially when it comes to the financial investment world.  Now, I feel like there’s something here that has a solid future.  It’s more than just my feeling, too.  It’s factual.  I mean, the evidence is there.  The history is there.  It’s information I can pass on to her and I just, I believe this will, this can continue on for generations for that matter; just good wisdom.

Speaker:                      Perfect.  And what was it like for you emotionally, and your emotional well-being and financial well-being when you lost that money.  If you can kind of just take us back and give us an idea at the time what that was like and how it just impacted you.

Mr. McCartney:          Okay, well it was kind of difficult for me, mainly because I invested with people I trusted, people that were good friends of mine, people that presented, I should, you know, presented money that according to them I couldn’t lose and as it turned out, I did lose.  I lost everything, you know?  And it really, it put a bad taste in my mouth, obviously, as far as a friendship goes, and beyond that, just myself.  I mean, I really beat myself up for being so foolish in what I did.  But it’s one of those deals that it’s so easy to get caught up in when somebody’s telling you something that you want to hear and you want to believe.  In return, you know, now that I’ve been with The Dividend Machine, I can see a much clearer picture.  I can see my future, and I can see that there’s great value in investing this way now.

Speaker:                      Perfect.  Are you guys getting the reflection on the glass behind him, over his left shoulder?  Are you getting the shadows of you guys on that, or is that?

Speaker:                      Oh, no, no, no, we’re not even on that window.

Speaker:                      Okay.  I just want to make sure.  Because I could see, and I just want to make sure we’re not picking it up.  And when you were doing your research, on the Internet, and you came across Bill, can you describe, was it a sense of like logically it made sense, like this is what I need to be doing, or what about, that you read about Bill really inspired you to say, okay, this is, this is what I need to be doing.  What, what was it something you read, or did it just, the idea of set it and forget it mentality or the Warren Buffett, what really attracted you when said this is where I want to …

Mr. McCartney:          Okay.  Well, I’ve always been the type, I’m a hard worker, and I like to try to be wise with my money.  I try to save for the future.  I am debt free, I just, I have an insight that way to where I think, you know, let me start this part over.  I kind of lost myself.

Speaker:                      Yeah.  No problem.

Mr. McCartney:          Okay, so the question was …

Speaker:                      What attracted you to the Dividend Machine investment style?  Or what really made you say, okay, this is what I need to follow this guy, and this is what I need to put my money into?

Mr. McCartney:          Okay, okay, well, I’ve always been a hard worker, and I’m the type that I do try to save my money for the future.  I, again, after being thrown about with a lot of bad investments and after, again, reading books that essentially give you a better understanding and a better way of securing your future, when I came across Bill’s site, it’s like, the information there presented itself as this is what I’ve really been looking for without necessarily actually really knowing it.  You know, it just, it all made sense.  It connected with the books that I had read, it’s simple, anybody can learn from it, you know?  There’s comfort in knowing that you do not have to worry, is this going to be around tomorrow, you know?  This is something that you can be active in as far as understanding more about the companies and such, but Bill really does, he does the homework here, and I’ve been able to very much trust him.

Speaker:                      Perfect.  And back to, as an airplane flies over, so perfect timing.

Mr. McCartney:          Okay.

Speaker:                      This next question is have you ever lost sleep due to financial concerns?

Mr. McCartney:          Okay.

Speaker:                      Back when you went through the mess before, did that, and you can take a minute to think about it while the plane gets quieter, did you wake up fearing what have I done, I, I’m worried about providing for my family.  What, has there ever been a time where you’ve really kind of at night tossed and turned thinking what financially does the future hold for me?

Mr. McCartney:          Okay.  So do you want to ask that question when this is gone, or do you just, okay, I got you, okay.  I got you.  I know what you’re saying.

Speaker:                      And have you ever lost sleep at any point due to your financial concerns?

Mr. McCartney:          Well, even now, when I look back at what I’ve done, it’s tough.  I really, pretty much have to block it out, because it was a disaster.  I’ve worked hard.  I’ve tried to save my money, and again, I want to have the money to be able to do good with it, you know?  I want to be able to give to areas that need, people who need money, as, let me back up here.

Speaker:                      Yeah.

Mr. McCartney:          Okay.  I, I’ve worked hard for my money, and I want to do wise things with it.  I want to be able to take care of my family and others who need it.  And just the waste of money that I’ve gone through, again, through poor decisions on my part, even today, when I look back at it, it’s very upsetting, and such, but I don’t think of it that way now, I just think of it as, it’s learned mistakes.  And I just think about the future, here.  And the future is bright.

Speaker:                      Yeah, and what, what has it kind of been like on the flipside to kind of turn the corner and say, okay, not necessarily light at the end of the tunnel, you’re not trying to pay off a ton of debt or turn around.  Now that you’ve found Bill, you sleep better at night, you’re not worried, you don’t follow, have to worry about the market every day, kind of take us through that now.

Mr. McCartney:          Well, now that I found The Dividend Machine, I must say that I look forward every month to his monthly newsletter.  I look forward every week to his weekly updates.  It’s always great information.  It hasn’t let me down in the years that I’ve been with him.  I have a very, winning track record with him.  There is a real comfort in knowing.  He’s explained to me why, when stocks go down how there’s no need to worry about it.  You know, most people, I understand, most people, including myself in the past, when your stocks are down, you’re like oh my gosh I’m losing money, you know?  You don’t need to worry about it.  You don’t need to look at it that way.

Speaker:                      And we talked earlier before we sat down about how, when the market drops, now you almost get excited about that.

Mr. McCartney:          Mm-hmm.

Speaker:                      Because it provides you an opportunity, if stocks drop, and things go bad for a few years, you’re not worried about the companies.  They’re great companies, and you’re still getting dividends the whole time.  Can you could kind of encapsulate that and …

Mr. McCartney:          Yeah, absolutely.  He’s given me a whole new mindset into how to understand that.

Speaker:                      Let’s just encapsulate kind of the whole, you know, even when the market goes down, I don’t worry, I know that I’m invested in solid companies.  It’s a buying opportunity.  I’m still getting paid dividends.  We’re, just what we talked about over there.

Mr. McCartney:          Got it.  Right.  It’s funny, I guess we’re so used to the planes, but I don’t seem to hear them that much, but now I’m hearing them because that’s a concern.

Speaker:                      It’s like we’re on a bunch of railroad tracks.  You can hear the trains.

Mr. McCartney:          Right.  I know.

Speaker:                      All right.  Go ahead.  Just encapsulate the, you know, when the market drops, you don’t worry anymore.  It’s a buying opportunity and you’re still getting paid dividends and invested in some great companies.

Mr. McCartney:          Gotcha.  Yeah, and what else I’ve learned from Bill is when the market is down, I mean, that’s really just more of a buying opportunity.  I’m not concerned about these companies going out of business.  They’re big, solid companies.  As a matter of fact, when the market is down, and it’s time for purchasing dividends, it’s must that many more, just that much more purchasing power that I have.  It’s a whole new mindset of understanding how the market works.

Speaker:                      Perfect and at any point when you were going investing in the, I believe you said 457 when you first started, when you went through the financial troubles with the other investments, have you ever felt like you’ve worried about never being able to retire or having to push it off years and years?  Have you had retirement concerns in terms of?

Speaker:                      Can you give me a minute; sorry.  Do you ever use a money manager and investor in?

Mr. McCartney:          No.

Speaker:                      All right.  Start over.

Mr. McCartney:          Okay.

Speaker:                      The footage will be usable though, right?

Speaker:                      Oh, yeah.  Yeah.  He looks great. 

Speaker:                      Alright an easy one to start with.  What is your name, and what year were you born?

Mr. McCartney:          Okay.  My name is Gary McCartney and I was born in 1960.

Speaker:                      Perfect and tell us about your career, and how you got started and what you do and your career journey.

Mr. McCartney:          My career journey, well, I started off, I was working construction for quite a few years and just knew it wasn’t a field that I really wanted to continue on with my life, and I’d gone to school, gone to college a couple years, but again, not really knowing where I was going, and then I met a friend of mine’s brother who was a firefighter, and within just a few minutes of that conversation, I knew that’s what I wanted to do.  So, went off to the fire academy, and that was over 30 years ago.  So, I’ve been doing that this long and still enjoy it very much.

Speaker:                      And what department do you work for?

Mr. McCartney:          I work for Broward Sheriff’s Office, Fire Rescue.

Speaker:                      Wait for another plane go by, and change batteries.

Mr. McCartney:          Okay.  Okay.

Speaker:                      Just let me know when that kind of …

Speaker:                      Yep.

Speaker:                      You probably don't hear that one too badly.  You do?

Mr. McCartney:          Yeah, I’m kind of, I don’t know how much to elaborate or …

Speaker:                      As much as you want.

Mr. McCartney:          Well, you tell me if I’m going too much or too short or, okay.

Speaker:                      These first questions just kind of get you comfortable with like, having, just get into a natural rhythm when you talk.  So these are just the softball warm-up questions.  So it’s easier if you talk more about this stuff.  Just kind of gets you more relaxed, talking more, and we get you the next questions, it’ll be much easier for you to answer those.

Speaker:                      All right, and, still rolling, Kelly?

Speaker:                      Yep.

Speaker:                      All right.  And go ahead and ask the other question.

Speaker:                      And what department do you work for?

Mr. McCartney:          I work for Broward Sheriff’s Office, Fire Rescue.

Speaker:                      Okay.  And if you can, start from the beginning, and tell us about your investment journey.  I don’t know if you started putting money aside with the fire department, if they have some sort of retirement account there, if you were putting any money in that, or however you started investing.

Mr. McCartney:          Okay.  Well, I did start to invest into a 457 plan, a retirement plan, many years ago.  And really, the accounts that I was in weren’t doing too well, and the market was kind of crazy up and down a little bit, and just didn’t feel real comfortable with it.  So, our department dissolved and went to another department as far as that goes, so I had the opportunity to pull out my funds without any penalties, which I did, because I just wasn’t really happy with the way the markets were and such.  In return, I started looking for other ideas.  I was reading a number of books.  The Millionaire Next Door, Rich Dad Poor Dad, those type of books where people were self-made millionaires and such, and got some great ideas from it, however, I didn’t adhere to them too well on my own.  I got caught up in some investment ideas from some friends of mine who really just, it was one of those things that sounded too good to be true.  Okay.

Speaker:                      I think you’re, you’re okay Christian.

Mr. McCartney:          Okay.  It was some ideas that sounded too good to be true, and I should have listened to myself in knowing that they were.  I just figured we’d wait for the dog or something.  I don’t know if that’s my dog or not.

Speaker:                      Just pick it up.

Mr. McCartney:          Oh, I’m sorry.

Speaker:                      It’s okay, yeah, yeah.

Mr. McCartney:          I’m sorry.  So, they were some investment ideas that sounded really good, and they came from good friends, so I put my hopes in that, and really, it turned out not good at all.  I ended up losing a lot of money, and so I felt like I started from scratch again.  In doing so, I started looking again on the Internet for ideas, and research places where I could invest my money, and I, whoops I’m sorry.  Let me try and start again here.  Let me get my mind straight.  Okay.  Should I just continue?

Speaker:                      Yeah, just keep going.

Mr. McCartney:          Okay, sorry.

Speaker:                      No problem.

Mr. McCartney:          Okay, so I again started doing research on the Internet, came across some other investment newsletters which sounded good.  I did partake in some of them, and again, it was pretty much empty promises.  Just, never really worked out the way the information was presented.  Again, after more research and trying to find other ideas, I came across Bill Spetrino’s site, The Dividend Machine, and it just seemed to make a lot of sense.  After finding that, I did some more research on his site itself and found a lot of great reviews, and again, I liked what I read, so I started investing with him around 2011.  It has been a very, very good ride.  I’ve learned a lot in regards to how to understand more about stocks in companies.  I’ve learned that I can sleep at night.  I don’t get concerned when stocks are down.  Matter of fact, I welcome it.  It just gives me more opportunity to buy more.  Again, these are companies that I know are not going out of business.

(Recording Ends).