Mr. Garcia:          I've always invested through my 401(k) over the years.  I think if someone told me from the beginning Mr. Garcia if there is one thing you can do right at the beginning of your career is 10% of your total income and I did.  So, I invested through mutual funds and about 15 years into my career I decided to start investing in individual stocks.  I figured I made some money now and I could try my hand at investing.  It's probably one of the biggest mistakes I have ever made.  I was losing.  Everything I did was I would buy high and sell low and I got really good at it and I realized that investing was not the right thing so, I got into real estate and real estate went pretty well for me and as I got closer to retirement I started thinking about I need to learn how to invest in stocks and I read everything I could on investing in stocks and I went on vacation one time to Cabo San Lucas and I took with me a lot of podcasts on investing and one of them was Mr. Garcia Spetrino and when I heard Mr. Garcia speak, and I had listened to a lot of them, I sense a very genuine interest in buying quality companies at a low price, holding them, and getting dividends along the way and it made a lot of sense to me and I started doing it about a little bit under 2 years ago.  I started investing through Mr. Garcia Spetrino's method and there were times at the beginning where I did my own thing and I did Mr. Garcia Spetrino's thing and every time I did my own thing I would lose and I just kept asking myself when am I going to learn my lesson that Mr. Garcia Spetrino has the research that I don't have.  He has the skills that I don't have; the understanding of how to look at these companies and I started following his approach. 

Speaker:              Let's talk about in following his approach, since following his approach how has your portfolio done?

Mr. Garcia:          Oh, amazing.  I can't tell you …

Speaker:              Do that again.  If you could do like my portfolio has been amazing …

Mr. Garcia:          Yeah. 

Speaker:              So start off by telling me what's your name and what year were you born?

Mr. Garcia:          Mr. Garcia.  I was born in 1956.

Speaker:              All right say my name is Mr. Garcia and I was born in …

Mr. Garcia:          My name is Bill Garcia and I was born in 1956.

Speaker:              All right Bill tell me what you have done as a career, what's your occupation?

Mr. Garcia:          Well, right out of college I went to Xerox Corporation as a sales rep. and ended up spending 30 years with Xerox.

Speaker:              So, you spent 30 years at Xerox.  Tell me a little bit about your investment journey.  How did you get started investing, like when and kind of up from when you started investing up to the point where you hit the Dividend Machine?

Mr. Garcia:          Right.  Well, I started investing ever since I started with the company, with Xerox through my 401(k).   So, I was always putting 10% of my income into the 401(k) and I was investing through mutual funds and using the 401(k) process.

Speaker:              How has your portfolio done since investing in the Dividend Machine?

Mr. Garcia:          My portfolio has been unbelievable, truly amazing.  It's been the best thing that has happened to me from an investment standpoint.  I did over 30% last year.  I've never gotten even close to that granted we had a really good year with the market, but over 30% I've made really good income.  I'm very happy with it.  Even at the very beginning of this year I'm doing very well with Spetrino's methods and I couldn’t be happier about what I'm doing.

Speaker:              All right, let's talk about that a little bit.  As far as the, what are some specific gains?  You said you've done 30% last year.  Have you had specific gains, for example, let's not name a stock because I might not be able to use that buy say one specific company has gone up, you know, 100% or something like that.

Mr. Garcia:          Yeah.  Well, you know, I'll tell you Atria MO.  The MO stock was one of the investments that I first got into.  Intel was another one and Microsoft and I would say every investment that I got into right at the beginning I was probably getting 15 to 20% within 4 to 6 months, which was to me I had never seen that happen and I ended up selling because I got nervous, I ended up selling a few times early only to find that the stock would continue to go up.  So now I'm moving more into a buy and hold strategy and I'm beginning to settle into having the confidence in Bill's approach.

Speaker:              Let's talk about that a little bit.  Before you said you were kind of investing on your own and it was difficult and you weren't doing good on your own.  Talk about the difference between before the Dividend Machine and after the Dividend Machine.

Mr. Garcia:          Before the Dividend Machine the way I would find my stocks would be just through the internet.  I would find them through listening to various financial gurus and I was really dipping into a universe of so many other stocks.  Now, when I pick a stock I pick it from Bill Spetrino's universe and that gives me a very wealthy fine number of stocks that have been thoroughly researched.  I have the confidence that we're buying them at a low price and I have the confidence that they are really good companies at the same time and they give you a dividend.  So, if the market is down I'm still collecting a dividend and I have the confidence that the companies are quality companies and before I may be stuck with a dog, now I'm not.  If the market goes down, I'm stuck with a great company and a dividend paying company as well.

Speaker:              Have you had any stocks lose since investing in the Dividend Machine?

Mr. Garcia:          I haven't lost money on anything.  I've had stocks that have dropped in value, but you know what they've all come back.  They have all come back and so I have the confidence that they are going to continue to go up and there are market swings up and down and I realize that.  I've gotten a little bit more comfortable with the fact that the market is going to go down, it's going to take some of these stocks with it, but I'm holding on to something good.

Speaker:              Are you, so right now are you batting 100% by following the Dividend Machine and the stocks in the Dividend Machine?

Mr. Garcia:          Well, I've got stocks that have dropped.

Speaker:              Okay, so right now they are in the negative?

Mr. Garcia:          Yes.  So, let's take Nuance for example.  Nuance I bought at $19 and the market went down as well as there were some things, some announcements within the company that took it all the way down to $13.  So, I was stuck with about 2,000 shares at $19 and then it goes down to $13 and Bill gets on, I was worried because I wanted to hear what Bill had to say about Nuance and Bill gets on the squat box on the voice-mail and he tells us okay guys it is at $13; it's time to buy and these are all the reasons why and I did my own research just to make sure that what he is saying is consistent with some of the other things and sure enough I felt comfortable that it was time to buy.  So, I bought at $13 and it has gone as high as $16 something, I sold at $16 something and then it dropped back down to under $15 and I bought again.  So, it's a stock that has gone down.  I have the confidence that it's going to come right back up and I'm making money on it again. 

Speaker:              Good, I'm glad to hear that and, you know, this is part of the reason why we're doing all of this because I love the Dividend Machine.  I follow myself.  Bill has done a tremendous job with it.  If you are willing to share, how much money have you made perhaps by following the Dividend Machine?

Mr. Garcia:          Yeah, you know what last year I move over $100,000 on the Dividend Machine.  I got 3 accounts that I invest in.  One is conservative where it is very dividend driven and I follow all of his stocks.  I got another one that I trade a little bit more and then I got a cash account where I do trading, but I can trade on a weekly basis or a monthly basis, but I'm trading only Bill Spetrino's stocks; that's the difference.  So, I'm doing a little bit of trading on my own, buy and hold and a little bit of mixed and it works for me because I don't sell unless I make money.

Speaker:              Okay.  Perfect.  So last year that's good you made a $100,000 following the Dividend Machine.  Can we just say that one more time saying, you know, saying last year I made $100,000 following the Dividend Machine?

Mr. Garcia:          Last year I made over $100,000 following the Dividend Machine. 

Speaker:              Talk about a little bit before it seemed like you said, you know, I was a bad trader it's, you know, buy high/sell low.  It's kind of like uncharted.  It's hard to figure out what to do on your own.  Talk a little bit more about like I guess the sense of peace and control you have about your life compared to what it was like before and what it is now.

Mr. Garcia:          Well, let me tell you.  My brother is a financial planner and he's a good one and I totally trust everything that he does and everything he does for his clients, but there is nothing like being able to have total control over your own money.  No one cares about my money like I do, nobody does – not even my brother, who I love and trust.  But with the Dividend Machine he has given me a proven track record.  I've been with it now for 2 years and I can see from firsthand experience, not from what he has told me, but from my firsthand experience of my investments of how well it can do and I know from my own success and I'm counting on this year being another really good year. 

Speaker:              Going forward do you think you will be a longtime subscriber to the Dividend Machine?

Mr. Garcia:          Oh no question.  I mean the Dividend Machine to me if Bill Spetrino was having a seminar or a workshop in Cleveland in December I would be there.  There's no question about it.  To me, I look at Bill Spetrino as one of the key individual advisors in my life today.  I have a doctor, I have a Pastor and I have good friends and then I have Bill Spetrino and he is right up there.  When I get an e-mail from Bill or I get the Dividend Machine or any announcement from Bill I stop everything and I even tell my wife I say "sweetie hang on I just got an e-mail from Bill Spetrino".  I got to read it.  That's how important it is to me.  I trust his judgment and I believe in what he is doing.

Speaker:              Let's talk about that a little bit because he sends out weekly updates and now he is even doing podcasts.

Mr. Garcia:          Right.

Speaker:              Talk about how that is because a lot of people who might be watching this don't know what they get with the newsletter and one of the things, and we didn't do this originally, we didn't do the podcasts and we didn't do the weekly updates and now he is doing that.  Has that helped?

Mr. Garcia:          Uh, no question about it.  His weekly podcasts, first of all let me tell you about his newsletters.  They are great because they are easy to understand.  He talks in very simple terms.  Any individual who hasn't had a financial background will understand.  As long as you have bought or sold anything in your life you will understand the concepts that he has to share and I always refer back to one of the examples that he gives in one of his newsletters and he says "I buy stocks like my wife buys Christmas ornaments".  Well, who hasn't had that experience okay?  He buys stocks when they are low priced in January in the same way that his wife buys Christmas ornaments in January instead of December; that makes a lot of sense.  That resonates with me and everybody else.  So, then the weekly podcast what that does for me (or his updates) is that that connects me to what is happening real time.  It's one thing to get the newsletter at the end of the month, but when I get that weekly update because there is a lot that can happen in the course of a week, things are happening with Apple, things are happening with Nuance.  He connects you to what is happening real time and I can't wait to get those announcements.  So, on Tuesday when his podcast comes in I drop everything and I listen to his podcasts – no question about it.

Speaker:              That's good.  I'm glad to hear that that is helpful because we're real excited about sending those out and it is helping a lot of investors.  What would you say right now to some people who might be watching this video and they are like you know what, you know, this sounds good but I'll wait?

Mr. Garcia:          Well, if you want to go ahead and wait you can do that because I think with Bill Spetrino you'll always have an opportunity down the line, but if you start now why not take advantage of all of the information that he has to give us and the opportunities with the stocks.  He's got price points today that are, there are stocks today that are below the price point that he has recommended. So, if you wait you may come in when those price points are beyond his recommended price and you miss those opportunities.  So, I wish I would have found him, you know, 4 or 5 years ago, but I'm glad that I found him, you know, when I did 2 years ago.  It's the best thing that has ever happened to me financially.

Speaker:              Awesome, that's good to hear.  There's a lot of people may be that's watching that and feel that they are not smart enough to invest and if you would just kind of answer those people and say you know what, literally say this, if you think you are not smart enough to take advantage of the Dividend Machine guess what or something like that.

Mr. Garcia:          You know his approach is not for the sophisticated investor; it's for the simple everyday person.  It really is.  I shop every so often at _____________.  It's a place that I go to and buy things, you know, use things or whatever at a very low price and those concepts are transferable and he makes those concepts come alive with the Dividend Machine.  He makes it very simple.  It's not for the sophisticated investor at all.

Speaker:              Perfect.  I know I probably skipped over a couple of things but let me ask you this, you know, you said that you are in real estate.  When the real estate market collapsed were you hurt by that?

Mr. Garcia:          Yes.  I did buy.  I bought several condominiums during the real estate market collapse, that's when I bought and if there is one thing that I've learned over the years in various investments is that there are windows of opportunity that close very quickly whether they are in stocks or in real estate and when the real estate market collapsed I realized that that was the time to buy and we did.  My wife and I bought several condos and we did real well.  We're renting them now it's helping my, part of my retirement and I use some of that money to invest in the Dividend Machine and in the same way, in the same fashion there is that window of opportunity with stocks.  He finds that window of opportunity for you.  You cannot find those on your own; you'll have a hard time finding those windows of opportunity in stocks on your own. 

Speaker:              So the window of opportunity, so I mean one of the things that always amaze me about Bill is the amount of research that he does behind the scenes like his newsletter you kind of see the best parts.  He does a ton of research.  So talk a little bit about that maybe like hey if you can do this on your own, you can try it but it is going to take hours upon hours.

Mr. Garcia:          Yeah.  If you are going to do research on your own you are going to get a lot of conflicting messages from different financial experts.  Everybody has something to pitch, everybody is pushing something or they are trying to drive the stock price up or they are trying to take it down so you're going to get a lot of conflicting message first of all.  So, that makes your research very difficult to judge.  What I get from Bill is very honest, real and timely information as to what is happening with the company and I've never would have known that, you know, Carl Icahn was getting into Nuance or Apple and, in fact, in many cases Carl Icahn followed Bill Spetrino after Bill had made some purchases.

Speaker:              Let's talk a little bit about, Bill talks about how billionaires literally follow what Bill Spetrino does.  If you could start with that statement and talk about that a little bit of how kind of like wow.

Mr. Garcia:          Yeah.  Billionaires do follow Bill Spetrino and I know that because I follow Bill and then I read the news days later or weeks later where Carl Icahn or others are going into the stock, they are moving into Apple or they are buying more Nuances.  Bill Spetrino told us to get Nuance at $13.  Icahn was already in, but then he bought more several weeks later after Bill Spetrino told us to get in.

Speaker:              Let's talk about the gains you've made.  I know you said you made $100,000 last year.  What has that done for your retirement?  You know, just say I made a $100,000 – what has that enabled you do like as far as does it give you freedom, does it give you a peace of mind and stuff like that?

Mr. Garcia:          Yeah.  Well, the money that I am investing right now is all in my 401(k) and I'm not 59˝ yet so I can't take that money out so what it does do for me is that it gives me peace of mind.  It gives me that financial security.  We're all looking for security, different types of security and financial security plays a very important role in all of our lives.  With Spetrino I have the security that my retirement is going to be rock solid. 

Speaker:              Say that last line again just because there was squeaky out there and I thought it was a good line.

Mr. Garcia:          You know, we're all looking for security in our lives and financial security when you are in your late 50s or early 60s becomes probably, you know, next to health becomes the second most important thing in your life and with Bill Spetrino my retirement feels very rock solid.  I know that I'll be able to be go into my 60s with a very solid strategy owning some very solid companies and receiving dividends along the way.  So, I feel very good about what we're doing with Bill. 

Speaker:              Perfect.  I'm going to go through a couple of lines here.  I just want to double check my questions.  Let me ask you this, have you recommended the Dividend Machine to other people and, if so, what have you told them?

Mr. Garcia:          I've recommended the Dividend Machine to everybody.  Everybody thinks Bill Spetrino is my neighbor.  That's how close I am to Bill Spetrino.  I've never Bill Spetrino and I'm excited to meet him.  Everybody knows Bill.  Everyone that I know knows Bill Spetrino because I talk about him all of the time.  I say well let me tell you what Bill Spetrino tells me, let me tell you what Bill Spetrino says and so I have recommended the Dividend Machine to all of my friends.  Some people just don't believe and I when I tell them, you know, that you are not sending him any money you are investing it on your own they can't believe it.  So, there is a certain amount of distrust that is out there in the market place because people have gotten burned.  With Bill Spetrino, he gives you honest information, he's down to earth, he speaks your language and it's all real, real good stuff.

Speaker:              Talk about the price, for $100 a year is it a great value for you?

Mr. Garcia:          I feel like it is a sin paying only $100; it really is.  I mean he deserves a lot more than that.  A $100 is probably, no question financially it is the best investment, the best advice.  He has actually stimulated my mind to think more in terms of financial investment and stocks more so than ever before.  So, not only am I getting a great return on my investments, but I'm getting an education along the way and it's very consistent with my values.  He's a down to earth guy.  He keeps it simple.  He is not complicated.  He makes it like if you are going shopping at the grocery store or if you are going out to buy something at a retail store, you know, at a clothing store.  He keeps it that simple and it is.

Speaker:              So let's talk about, I'm going to throw out a couple of lines to you and let's see if you can finish them for me.  Say without the Dividend Machine …

Mr. Garcia:          Well, without the Dividend Machine I wouldn't feel solid about my retirement 5 years from now or 10 years from now.  With the Dividend Machine I feel like I'm picking the right stocks, I'm in at the right price points and I know why I'm picking those stocks and all of that information I'm getting from Bill Spetrino. 

Speaker:              Do you think you will be able to retire earlier than what you had originally planned just because of the Dividend Machine or no?

Mr. Garcia:          Well, I'm retired now.

Speaker:              Okay.

Mr. Garcia:          I'm already retired.  I retired 2 years ago, but I may have had to continue working but with the Dividend Machine I feel good that I don’t have to go to work.  Financially I feel very solid with the Dividend Machine.

Speaker:              Your story is a little bit like Bill's.  Bill was able to retire at 42 and kind of lived the life that he wanted.  So, you were able to retire young and …

Mr. Garcia:          I'm living it.  I'm living the life right now.  I spend my time vacationing.  I do martial arts.  That's my passion.  I help with the family business.  My brothers and my cousins they all have a business in the apparel industry and I go there 2 or 3 days a week for a couple of hours and I help them with their strategies, marketing strategies, sales leadership and those kinds of things, but my core earnings are coming from the Dividend Machine.  In fact, let me tell you what is happening today is that I'm not even tapping into my retirement money; I'm living off Dividend Machine money because I have a cash account that I invest only in the Dividend Machine, but I have turned those investments a little bit quicker than the other accounts.

Speaker:              So, is the Dividend Machine paying for all of your living expenses or is that saying too much?

Mr. Garcia:          Well, the Dividend Machine is making my IRA, which I can't take out for another 2˝ years because I'm not 59˝ yet but also I have a cash account that the Dividend Machine is paying for my vacations, for the gifts that I give to people.  I'm going to Greece in June with my wife.  We're taking a trip to Alaska at the beginning of June.  I'm going to Cabo in April with my brother.  We're taking my family to Cabo in July.  So, we're doing a lot of neat things that I never thought I was going to be able to do.  I didn't grow up wealthy at all.  I grew up in the inner city in Los Angeles.  My mother was a seamstress and we all had to work together at the end of the day sewing and making clothing and, you know, the Dividend Machine is just opening up my eyes.  I'm telling my entire family that the Dividend Machine can really change your life financially and if you're not doing the Dividend Machine you're making one of the biggest mistakes of your life and I honestly believe that.

Speaker:              That's a very powerful statement.  I couldn't have written anything that good so, thank you for sharing that.  If there is one thing that you want to tell someone right now that might be watching this that is hesitant to do it because maybe they think they are too old or too young and they think they are too rich or maybe don't have enough money and they think that for whatever reason that they are just hesitant to do it what would you tell them?

Mr. Garcia:          Well, I would say you're never too old and you're never too young.  I feel like I caught it just in time.  I sure wish I would have gone in much earlier in life, but you know Bill wasn't around 10 years ago.  I got a nephew right now who is 19 years old and I got him to buy one share of Apple because Bill said if all you can afford is one share, buy one share of Apple and he did.  So, I'm getting him started early because of the Dividend Machine and he's going to learn about investments at a young age because of Bill Spetrino and I firmly believe that it's better to buy one share of Apple today then to have no shares. 

Speaker:              I agree with that too.  I'm in Apple big so Carl Icahn and Bill better be right.

Mr. Garcia:          Yeah.

Speaker:              What is something that maybe you want to say that you haven't said yet?  I don't know, maybe you came up in a plane, you had an 8 hour flight, but what is maybe something that you want to tell the people who may be watching this?

Mr. Garcia:          Well, I would just say to everybody that I think and, you know, I've talked to a couple of the other individuals that I've met that are going to be a part of this program that I think that I got very lucky in finding Bill because there are so many people that you can listen to on TV, there are so many newsletters and I just got blessed and happened to be at the right place at the right time and found the Dividend Machine because I could have gotten somewhere else and not have the same kind of results.   I know I wouldn't have gotten the same kind of results and I know that I won't have the same kind of integrity that I have with Bill Spetrino.  I mean Bill is trustworthy.  I think that is one of the things that I enjoy about him and he's down to earth and he speaks the language of the ever day person.  I've done well financially over the years because of what I've done.  I was Vice-President for Xerox Corporation, but not because of my investments, you know.  Now, I feel like I can do well through investments with my retirement.  I feel at this point with Bill Spetrino I'm going to be able to make more money than I ever was able to make.  I'm a church going guy so, I go to church every Sunday and I'm a full tithe payer and my goal is to be able to tithe what I was tithing when I was working for Xerox Corporation and I know with Bill Spetrino I'll be able to do that.

Speaker:              That's an awesome testament.  To be able to give back, and that's a big thing, let's talk a little bit about what you are going to be able to give to your church, to your children and other people thanks to the Dividend Machine.

Mr. Garcia:          Well, I'm going to be able to give a lot more than finances.  Financially I know that I'll be able to take care of my wife if something was to happen to me because of the Dividend Machine.  I'll be able to take care of my kids.  I'm able to help other people as well.  But, I think most importantly is I'm going to be able to provide them with information that Bill is able to give me, the knowledge and ways of looking at things – I can give my kids that and that they are going to be able to take forever.  Whereas, if I gave them $5,000 they are going to spend that in one shot, but if I give them the knowledge that Bill gives me they are going to be able to take that forever and make good decisions.

Speaker:              Perfect.  Let's do one last thing.  If you can look into this camera and look into there and just say my name is and I'm a Dividend Machine subscriber.

Mr. Garcia:          My name is Bill Garcia and I'm a subscriber to the Dividend Machine.

Speaker:              Perfect. Maybe do it like my name is Bill Garcia and I'm really fortunate, I'm really blessed to be a subscriber of the Dividend Machine.

Mr. Garcia:          My name is Bill Garcia and I'm very fortunate and blessed to have found the Dividend Machine.

Speaker:              Perfect.  How about give me just one more just your name and just say I'm really, you know, just say it like shorter.

Mr. Garcia:          My name is Bill Garcia and I'm very blessed to be a part of the Dividend Machine.

Speaker:              Perfect.   

Mr. Garcia:          I said earlier that there are a couple of individuals that are very important in my life it's my wife, of course, my Pastor, my doctor and then there is Bill Spetrino and it has gotten to the point where I trust Bill Spetrino more than I trust my doctor and there's no question about that because he has given me results.  My doctor has let me down a few times

Speaker:              All right, perfect.